Call For Paper

Requirement and guidance for submitting papers

We invite submissions to the 2nd International Conference on Innovation and New Paradigm of Sustainable Science (ICONPASS) 2025, and welcome paper submissions based on Focus and Scope.

For any information not listed below, please submit questions directly by email or contact person (Contact Us).

Important dates

The planned dates are as follows the information in Timeline and Important Dates

Who should attend?

This conference is a great opportunity for researchers, practitioners, industrialists, scholars, educators, university students, and the general public to share their insights, experiences, and perspectives on the latest developments and challenges in Innovating for a Sustainable Future: Bridging Science and Technology for the SDGs, in the field of biomaterials, biotechnology, medical science, material and particle physics, and science education. Whether you want to present your work, learn from experts, network with peers, or simply enjoy the stimulating discussions, this online/virtual conference is for you. Don’t miss this chance to join us and be part of this exciting event. Register now as presenter and/or attendee and secure your spot!

Double-blind reviewing

Submissions will be double-blind (peer-review process): reviewers cannot see author names when conducting reviews, and authors cannot see reviewer names. We use OJS to host papers and allow for discussions, comments that reviewers post will remain anonymous. Authors can revise their paper as many times as needed up to the paper submission deadline. Changes to the paper will not be allowed while the paper is being reviewed. Edits will again be allowed during the discussion phase (between area editors, reviewers, and authors). Authors are encouraged to be explicit and precise about changes to the paper in their response to reviews. Reviewers reserve the right to ignore changes that are significant from the original scope of the paper. The publication ethics at this conference are based on the Core Practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and  include guidelines for the editors, reviewers, and authors.

Submission Instructions

Please note that no changes to the authors and their orders can be made after the full paper submission deadline. The full paper was submitted through the ICONPASS System.

Paper length

There will be a strict upper limit of 7-8 pages for the main text, including the references. This page limit applies to both the initial and final camera-ready versions.


To prepare your submission to ICONPASS 2024, please use the template files provided.

The Use of Large Language Models (LLMs)

The use of LLMs is not allowed as a general-purpose writing assist tool. Authors should understand that they take full responsibility for the contents of their papers, including content generated by LLMs that could be construed as plagiarism or scientific misconduct (e.g., fabrication of facts). LLMs are not eligible for authorship.

Withdrawal Policy

Authors have the right to withdraw papers from consideration until paper notification. Before the paper submission deadline, if an author withdraws the paper, it will be deleted from the OJS hosting site.